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Ultrasonic cleaning machine for automotive fuel injectors with high efficiency

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Ultrasonic cleaning machine for automotive fuel injectors with high efficiency

The injector nozzle is one of the key components of an electric fuel pump diesel engine, and its working condition has a great impact on the performance of the engine. In practice there are many car owners who do not pay much attention to the cleaning of the injector nozzles, until the injector nozzles fail to regret. Once the injectors are clogged, all aspects of the car’s performance will be greatly reduced, so as a qualified car owner, how to properly clean the car injectors?
Once the injectors are blocked, it will directly affect the quality of the car driving. For example, it will cause the car engine power to drop and carbon deposits in the intake valve to cause an unstable idle speed. Do not underestimate this problem, if left untreated for a long time, it will cause the engine to burst. The causes of blocked injectors are generally carbon deposits on the injector nozzles and various impurities in the petrol and too much oil from the piston rings into the cylinder. Since the injectors are so important, when do we clean them to achieve the best results?

Ultrasonic cleaners Plating

Ultrasonic cleaners Plating

When the injectors are clogged, there will be some irregularities in the driving process. For example, when starting in a low gear, the car shakes a little, but after accelerating, the shaking disappears, in which case we should consider cleaning the injectors.I suggest that you have a look granbo ultrasonic cleaner
Conventional injector cleaning methods can improve the carbon build-up in the injectors, but the steps are tedious and cannot be cleaned thoroughly. If you use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean the injector nozzles, you can put them directly into the cleaning tank and clean them in all directions. Before ultrasonic cleaning, the injector nozzles are tested for atomisation, responsiveness, switch sensitivity and oil leakage. Ultrasonic cleaning equipment for blind holes, uneven places can be cleaned evenly, reducing the cost of cleaning and manual labour costs.

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Ultrasonic cleaning machine ultrasonic cleaning process technology, the use of ultrasonic cavitation on the surface of the object dirt impact, stripping, to achieve the purpose of cleaning. It has a high degree of cleaning cleanliness, cleaning speed and other characteristics. Ultrasonic cleaning machine cleaning can be simultaneous ultrasonic cleaning of a single or multiple injector nozzles, can thoroughly remove the carbon of the injector nozzles. Reverse cleaning: It can completely remove the dirt inside the injector nozzles and attached to the screen. No-disassembly cleaning: with a full range of no-disassembly cleaning connectors, allowing for no-disassembly cleaning and maintenance of a wide range of vehicles

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Thermal energy conversion

Ultrasonic cleaning is faster and more effective than traditional cleaning methods.



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